Monday, February 27, 2012

Motivación del Lunes:“Haz lo qué te hace feliz”....

Esta cuarta semana del mes empezaremos con esta frase:
"El gran error que la gente hace en la vida es  no  tratar de vivir con lo que más disfrutarían hacer. "

Por: Malcolm Forbes

 Cuantas veces a menudo ha dicho: “haz lo qué te hace feliz”. Sin embargo, en la vida somos a menudo enfrentados a vivir con  estereotipos sociales de los cuales somos opositores.
 Es importante que no perdamos el foco del porqué estamos aquí en este mundo. Entonces porqué no usa su creatividad para hacer una vida en la que usted gozaría, en vez de hacer de si mismo un desdichado en el TRABAJO.
 ¿Qué está ud. haciendo en la vida para disfrutar de lo que hace?
Si usted no está allí todavía, entonces  qué pasos está usted  siguiendo para ganar una vida en lo que usted gozaría más.
 Sientete libre de compartir tus comentarios.
Nosotros  estamos aqui para escucharte.

Monday's Motivation: "Do what makes you happy"....

We like to start this week of with a great quote....

"The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy."
 By: Malcolm Forbes

It is often said “do what makes you happy”. However, it life we are often faced with challenges or social stereotypes which force us to think opposite.

It is important for us no to lose focus on why we are here in this world. So why not use your creativity to make a living at what you enjoy most, instead of making your self insanely miserable at a JOB. How are you making a living at what you enjoy most? If you are not there yet, then what steps are you taking to earn a living at what you enjoy most.
Feel free to leave your comments … We are listening..


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tidbit Tuesday : " Honoring Whitney Houston"

     There are millions of  artists out there including fine artists, singers, songwriters, book authors, actors…However, many live there whole life without receiving any recognition for their creativity and hard work.  Recently, there was a popular artist who has tragically left us who collected record breaking awards for her talent.

Today’s Tidbit: “Whitney Houston collected 400 awards throughout her career.”

    If that doesn’t spell talent, I am not sure what does.

We love to hear your comments.
Source: Fuse TV, Comcast Xfinity , You tube , “Tribute to Whitney Houston” 2/18/2012


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Monday, February 20, 2012

Motivación del Lunes: La Excelencia no es un acto singular....

Esta tercera semana del mes empezaremos con esta frase:

"La excelencia no es un acto singular, sino un hábito. Eres lo que haces repetidamente"
Por: Shaquille O' Neal. 

A menudo se dice que somos criaturas de hábito. ¿Qué hábitos tú estas realizando para ser mejor de lo que eres. ¿Por qué elegir vivir sin hábitos en tu vida?

Sientete libre de compartir tus comentarios… nosotros te escuchamos


Monday's Motivation: Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit......

We like to start this week of with a great quote....
Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. You are what you repeatedly do.
By: Shaquille O’ Neal.
It is often said that we are creatures of habit, what habits are you exhibiting to make you, the best you that you can be. Why do you choose to live out the habits in your life?
Feel free to share your comments … we are listening.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's Motivation: You always pass failure .....

We like to start this week of with a great quote....

"You always pass failure on your way to success"
By: Mickey Rooney

What were some difficult times you had on your road to success whether it be in your career, education or personal goals?

How did you overcome the difficult times?

We love hear your success stories, feel free to share.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

'Valentine" What does it mean to you?? Art Workshop with the Seniors...

Valentine's Day,
What does it mean to you?

   As an artist, I enjoy spending time creating new art pieces, but what I most enjoy, is when I could share those creative experience with other and to me valentines day is the perfect time to share the joy of creativity with others. Just last week, I spent an evening with the Seniors of Chestnut  Station and we created valentine love bugs and and memorable shadow boxes.
Click to play this Smilebox collage
  It was a remarkable experience sharing this project with the Seniors, the night was filled with joy, creativity and most of all fun!! And to me thats what valentines is all about...

What does Valentines Day mean to you????Any interesting valentine craft ideas you like to share...We are listening....




Thursday, February 9, 2012

" Motivación del Lunes"

Motivación del Lunes: Hacer lo que nos gusta aunque los demás piensen lo contrario!!!

Hoy día nos gustaria empezar la semana con esta especial frase....
"El mayor placer de la vida esta en hacer lo que los demás dicen que no podemos hacer"
Por: Walter Bagehot

Comó superar el juicio de los demás en sus objetivos de vida?. Alguna vez hiciste algo aunque sea en contra de la opinion de los demás por lograr tus sueños?.  Si es así, por favor comparte con nosotros, nos encantaría escuchar tus ideas y comentarios.

Art by andreasartz: CELEBRATION


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Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday's Motivation: Doing what others say you cannot do!!

Today we like to start the week of with a great quote....

  “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do”
         By: Walter Bagehot

   How have you overcome the judgment of others in your  life goals? Was there ever a time, where you went against the opinion of others to accomplish your dreams? If so, please share we love to hear your thoughts and comments....


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