Saturday, February 11, 2012

'Valentine" What does it mean to you?? Art Workshop with the Seniors...

Valentine's Day,
What does it mean to you?

   As an artist, I enjoy spending time creating new art pieces, but what I most enjoy, is when I could share those creative experience with other and to me valentines day is the perfect time to share the joy of creativity with others. Just last week, I spent an evening with the Seniors of Chestnut  Station and we created valentine love bugs and and memorable shadow boxes.
Click to play this Smilebox collage
  It was a remarkable experience sharing this project with the Seniors, the night was filled with joy, creativity and most of all fun!! And to me thats what valentines is all about...

What does Valentines Day mean to you????Any interesting valentine craft ideas you like to share...We are listening....




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