Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tidbit Thursday:Hey Crafters, Olive oil is not only good for cooking!!!

 Crafters, these are definitely some useful tips, because often times things can get messy ,especially when constantly handling paint,glue,clay and other mediums, that seem to end up on our hands...then on everything else not in our studio.

Ok, so many of us, even if you just cook every now and again, have some type of Olive Oil in our pantry. But did you know that Olive Oil can have many great uses, besides being a staple ingredient in our favorite Italian dishes.
Great simple uses for Olive Oil

Do you like many of us, have some modern stainless steel appliances, rather it be toasters,frig,stove, dishwasher, etc ,though it looks state of the art aned modern , fingers prints and dull marks seem to find there way on them.
Polish with Olive Oil and a lint free cloth
* pour about a dime size to a quarter size into cloth and wipe in a circular motion
more on this

Crafters ,if you are constantly washing your hands, here is a great simple olive oil exfolianting scrub for your hands, and even your body.
Olive Oil and Sea Salt Scrub
*Mix three tablespoons of Olive Oil, with 2 tablespoons of Sea Salt
*In a circular motion scrub the mixture into your hands or area,then rinse with warm water.

Hope you find these tidbits helpful, have any other you want to share? Feel free to comment, tell us your experience with these tips.


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